The Berber village of Ouarialt is situated south west from Marrakech; it is roughly an hour and half drive including a dirt track section. The village is beautifully clung to the arid steep slopes and overhangs a lush valley of organized farming terraces. Subsistence Agriculture and livestock remain the main economic resources of this Berber community.      

Childreach Int organization and Travel Link have both contributed to the building of a multifunctional centre benefiting a great number of children and women, about 20 kids and 40 women attend the classes.

The objectives of Ouarialt village centre :

Providing childreen of this rural enviromnet with a school centre of quality so as to reduce their encoutred difficulties

Encouraging integrated developement in favour of rural women.

Preserving the cultural and artistic heritage of this rural environment.

Prroviding the opportunityfor targeted population to get rid of isolation and ignorance

Raissing issues of health, education and environment protection.

Support development and upgrading local fair trade.


Brief summary of work carried out & which
year(s) the project work took place:
1- Opening date: September 17, 2014.
2- Completion of work: Interior and exterior painting, electricity and plumbing, floor tile, waterproofing and exterior enclosure.
3- Participation of Big Built Morocco:03 Groups
Number of children directly impacted/
number of indirect beneficiaries:
1- Children directly impacted: From 2014 to 2017: 54 (children under the age of 06).
2- Number of students: 48 (primary and secondary school students,
support courses computer basic, foreign language French and English.
3- Number of indirect beneficiaries: Village community.
Any current statistics/ ranking information/
achievements of the centre/pupils:
Current statistics: 107
1- Year school: 2013/2014: 54
2- Year school: 2014/2015: 17
3- Year school: 2015/2016: 24
4- Year school: 2016/2017: 12